
Sup, everyone!

Well, I’m not going to bother you all with excuses for why I haven’t posted anything in a bit, I just haven’t. I did warn you about this in my first post, though, so don’t get TOO mad at me. I did say that I wasn’t good at keeping up with things like these in the first post, didn’t I?

Well, whatever.

Today I decorated my room a bit, I think it looks awesome! I already had a cute owl wall sticker up, and I moved it to right next to my door. Then I put up a tumblr-ish collage! Is that considered a D.I.Y.? Hmm. Don’t know, and I can’t be bothered to look it up.

I mostly used quotes for my collage, and it’s very colorful, if I do say so myself. Well, the last part of that sentence didn’t fit very well with the first part of the sentence, did it? Whatever!

Well, right now I’m surrounded with art supplies: scissors, tape, paper scraps, colored pencils, and the like. Also a book and a journal. And some pics. And, umm, well, my bed? Does that count? No, I don’t think so….OH! I’m also surrounded by air! Yeah! That’s it! :D

It’s a wonder if I make sense to you, not many people understand what I’m saying half the time, not even me. Also, I’m putting my thoughts down on paper (or a screen?) and can’t even make sense of those. Thoughts, I mean. (I’m so awkward!)

Wow, how did I get to talking about excuses to talking about how my thoughts don’t make sense? God… Well, anyway, I DID have a reason to post this.

It was mostly to give you guys an update and to reassure you that I didn’t die, but also to talk about…umm, something. I forgot. Wait, no! Now I remember: I didn’t have something specific to talk about in the first place! Well, I might as well talk about books, ‘cuz I can’t think of anything else to talk about.


Well, right now I’m reading Lola and the Boy Next Door. I am on page 181, when Norah is reading Lola’s tea leaves. I love the book so far, and I think I might do a review of it on here when I finish it. That would be new. Book reviews. Interesting idea, Crazy Girl, interesting idea…. Well, be sure to look out for some of those in the future! You never know, maybe even in the NEAR future!

I haven’t read Anna and the French Kiss yet, but I really, really want to! I’m hopefully going to start that soon, as soon as I get my hands on a copy… Same thing goes for Isla and the Happily  Ever After. Oh, I guess you don’t know anything about these books, right? Well, you might know something (or everything) about them, but I might as well give you a brief description of what I know.

I know virtually nothing about Isla and the Happily Ever After, except that it’s written by Stephanie Perkins. Basically the same with Anna and the French Kiss. Well, I know that Anna (I’m too lazy to type the whole title) takes place in Paris, and I’m pretty sure Isla (too lazy, again, to type the whole title) takes place in New York, but I’m not positive.

But, yes but, there are a few things I know about Lola (too lazy, again…). Here, I might as well give you the description on the back of the book:

Budding designer Lola Nolan doesn’t believe in fashion . . . she believes in costume. The more expressive the outfit – more sparkly, more fun, more wild – the better. But even though Lola’s style is outrageous, she’s a devoted daughter and friend with some big plans for the future. And everything is pretty perfect (right down to her hot rocker boyfriend) until the dreaded Bell twins, Calliope and Cricket, return to the neighborhood. When Cricket – a gifted inventor – steps out from his twin sister’s shadow and back into Lola’s life, she must finally reconcile a lifetime of feelings she felt for the boy next door.

Now, I copied that directly off the book, so please no one sue me! All rights go to Stephanie Perkins!

I really hope I don’t get sued. That would suck. Ahh, this is gonna be a pain to edit. It’s so long! Well, I’d better keep this short: Lola (the book, not the character) is awesome, and you should read it, and the other Stephanie Perkins books! BYE!!!

-Crazy Girl Over and Out :P