My Novel!!!

Hey, hey, hey, people of Earth!

Welp, I promised ya’ll a book review of Lola and the Boy Next Door when I finished it, and I finished it, so hopefully I’ll have that up soon. But today, my friends, I didn’t come here to write about books.

Okay, actually, I sort of did.

But whatever!

I actually came on here to write a post about………

*cue drum roll*


You see, I’m actually currently writing a novel. And I wanted to talk about it on here, partly because I was bored, and partly because I was in the mood to write on my blog, this thingy.

Right now, my novel doesn’t have a proper title – just a temporary one. It’s called The Psychic.

I know, terrible name. But it’s only temporary! I’ll think of a better one when the time comes (the time = when I’ve finished writing and before I publish it).

Okay, so I want ya’ll to know that it is, in fact, MY OWN novel, and NOT somebody else’s. I’m a bit worried that, because you don’t know my real name, you will think that I’m just ripping the actual author off, which I am not! I mean, why would I rip myself off? That’s just crazy. But I might, later on, tell you my real name before my book is going to be published, so you’ll know that I’m the actual author. I’ll still go by Crazy Girl, though. Well, I think so, at least.

So, anyways, my book is about spies. Specifically, a spy academy. I know, I know: it’s SO cliché! So what? It’s still going to be original. I’m planning on putting my own little twist on it, which I am not going to tell you! Well, not yet, at least. I might tell you later on, but you never know!

Well, anyways, that just about wraps up this post, so, for now, bye! :D

-Crazy Girl Over and Out :P