Homeschooling! :)

Hi, everyone! I’m not dead!

Okay, anyways…

Recently I haven’t been posting on here. My only excuse is that I’m busy. And that’s a terrible excuse, so I’m not going to use it. And you shouldn’t blame me, I mean, I warned you all about this in my very first post! I told ya’ll that I wasn’t good at keeping up with things like this, whether they be journals, blogs, or anything else!

But, I’m here now, so that has to count for something, right?

So this year my mom and I decided to homeschool. It’s been pretty good so far, but we’ve only been doing it for about two weeks and a half, so we’re not close to done yet!

Oh, and guess who my “principal” is??? Wait for it… (drum roll please…)


No, I’m not kidding. My cat, Pinocchio, is my legal principal. It’s hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. (I just got rid of some of the hilarity by saying it was hilarious, didn’t I? Oh well. [I say “Oh well” a lot, don’t I? Oh well. {See!}])

Well, it’s been pretty cool so far. My mom got me these cool “Life of Fred” textbooks for math and L.A. I already finished three of the four L.A. books, being the overachiever that I am. (FYI, one book = one month of school. So I’ve done three months worth of L.A.)

I hate math, though, so I’m sort of behind on that one.

We started to read Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, but my mom and I both got ticked off by Peter, who we agree is a little brat. No offense to all you Peter Pan lovers out there, but we both highly dislike him. So then we decided that we would just quickly read though the rest of the book, than move onto the next one, which is The Odyssey.

But, of course, I’ve already started it. It’s actually really good! (I know, I shouldn’t sound so surprised, but I’ve barely read any poetry before!)

I’m not very far in yet (Still talking about The Odyssey) but I already recognize which part of the myth the story starts with (if that makes any sense whatsoever).

You see, I’m a bit of a Greek Geek, as I like to call myself. I read these two book series about Greek mythology (The Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and the Heroes of Olympus series, both by Rick Riordan. Go check them out!) and I became sort of obsessed with it. (“It” being the Greek myths.)

So, I’ve learned about several parts of Odysseus’s story, including the part at the very beginning of The Odyssey. I don’t want to spoil it for you, if you don’t already know what happens, so I won’t talk much about it, but I just wanted to tell all of you about my Greek obsession.

Well, I’m not sure that there’s much more for me to talk about on the subject of homeschool, so I guess I’ll just leave it at that. So, bye!

-Crazy Girl Over and Out 😛