New Computer!

Hey, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!

Well, I’m updating, and relatively near to when I posted Homeschooling! (or whatever it was called 😀 ) so I’m clearly making progress.

Well, today I think this post is gonna be pretty short. I really just wanted to tell ya’ll that tomorrow I’m getting a new computer!!! 😀 YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, right now I’m typing this on my hand-me-down light pink Sony Vaio that’s, like, a million years old! (Well, that was a bit of an exaggeration. They didn’t even have computers a million years ago! But I probably don’t need to tell you that.)

This computer is pretty much falling apart: the K key fell out, and the charger cord is loose when you plug it in. But I guess it could be worse.

Anyways, I’m not sure what computer I’m getting, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the same type of laptop my dad has, which is pretty cool. That way I won’t have to print on his computer instead of mine! (Yeah, I also can’t print on my computer. Or even use Word, which SUCKS ‘cuz I’m a writer.)

My dad and I are hopefully going to go buy it in a store tomorrow, so I’ll have it physically tomorrow, and not have to wait a week or something for the company to ship it to our house. I really hate having to wait, but I guess it’s worth it for the box to just show up on your doorstep one day. And, when you get it, you can pretend it’s Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate 🙂 ) and you get to open it like a gift.

Speaking of gifts, my dad said that it would by my early birthday present. But don’t worry, I already made sure that this meant I would be getting a real present on my actual birthday. 😀

Well, that’s really it for now, guys. I guess I’ll talk to you in my next post! Peace out!

-Crazy Girl Over and Out 😛

Published by

Alurea W.

A Slytherin, Wampus, INFP, Scorpio, Daughter of Apollo, and writer. She spends most of her time either reading, writing, or on the internet, and has an obsession for office supplies. She also really loves cats.

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