Camp NaNo, The Cursed Child, and OneNote

Hey guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!

Camp NaNoWriMo ended yesterday (as I’m writing this), and I wrote ten thousand more words than I was planning to. Yay! Go me! I am super happy about that, but I’ll be even more happy once I actually finish this darn book.

I’m getting really close to the ending, which is definitely really exciting.

I have this awesome cliff-hanger in mind for it, too, and I really, really want to write it, so that’s good, because it’s giving me more motivation to write and finish my book!

Anyways, yesterday, on July 31st, I wrote a little bit more than two thousand words, and I made it to thirty thousand words. Like I said, it’s pretty exciting.

Also, yesterday was Harry Potter’s birthday, and the release date of The Cursed Child, and I went to the midnight release at my local book store, so that’s awesome.

And I obviously started reading it, and it’s great so far. Of course, I’m not done with it yet, but it’s still amazing.

But I do have something to say about it.

Okay, so, I read the spoilers a month or so ago, and I was outraged, like most of the Harry Potter fandom.

I thought that it was ridiculous, and that Harry was super OOC (out of character), and all that jazz.

But, now that I’ve actually read that part of the book, I get it.

So, if you’ve read the spoilers, and you aren’t going to buy the book because of them, I think you should still buy the book. Because it makes a lot more sense in context than it did out of context.

So, yeah, you should still buy the book.


But I digress.

Back to the midnight release.

Basically, I went to my local book store a little bit before midnight, got in line, bought The Cursed Child at midnight, then went home and stayed up until three a.m. reading it.

I know, I know, nothing special in the life of a booknerd.

But I still want to tell you guys about it.

It was super exciting, at least for me, because that was my first ever midnight release, and, although it could’ve been better, I loved it. I’m also super happy that my first midnight release was for a Harry Potter book (script, technically).

Anyways, there were floating candles hanging above the line, and there were two Golden Snitch mobiles hanging from the ceiling, too.

And then there were streamers wrapped around the pillars and on the bookshelf, too.

One section had red and yellow streamers, the other yellow and black, another blue and silver, and the last silver and green. Remind you of anything?

And then they had this pink banner-thing with “HAPPEE BIRTHDAE HARRY” written on it in green, which was super awesome.

And there was also a sign with “You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart. Their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart. You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, and unafraid of toil. Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you’ve a ready mind. Where those of wit and learning will always find their kind. Or perhaps in Slythering you’ll make your real friends. Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends” written on it.

And there was also a sign that said “The Leaky Cauldron” on it, and it was right by a table with cupcakes and a bean-bag toss game with Quidditch hoops that you throw the bean-bags through. I know, it was amazing!

And then, by the front of the store, they had a Harry Potter display, with all of the books put out and some plastic wands that light up and several stuffed owls (which I loved, naturally).

So it was pretty awesome.

But, before I go, I have one more thing to talk about. And no, it’s not anything Harry Potter related. (Cue cheers of joy.)

I’ve recently (as in, yesterday recently) discovered an amazing program for writers. It’s called OneNote, and I love it.

Basically, you can make these things called “Notebooks” and you can name them whatever you want, and, in them, you can make different sections, and in those sections, you can make different pages.

And you can write anywhere on the page. Just click somewhere, and a cursor will pop up, so you can type.

And you can also draw on the pages with your mouse, and put pictures into it, and I love it.

I’ve already made a Notebook for my novel, and I’ve given each of my MCs (main characters) their own section, and in those sections I’ve put my character profiles and things, and I just love it.

So, yeah, go check it out! It’s amazing.

Well, that’s it for now. Talk to you later!

-Alurea W. Over and Out 😛

Published by

Alurea W.

A Slytherin, Wampus, INFP, Scorpio, Daughter of Apollo, and writer. She spends most of her time either reading, writing, or on the internet, and has an obsession for office supplies. She also really loves cats.

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