Camp NaNoWriMo

Hey, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!

This month I’ve been participating in Camp NaNoWriMo.

If you don’t know what that is, let me explain.

Basically, it stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it’s this thing where thousands of people around the world try to write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days, in November.

But that’s the normal NaNoWriMo.

I’m doing Camp NaNo.

Camp NaNo is basically the same thing as normal NaNo, except it takes place in both April and July, and you get to decide your word count goal, and what you’re writing. So you don’t have to write a 50,000 word novel – you could write a 10,000 word poetry collection! Or a 25,000 word novella! (or a however-long-a-novella-is novella!) And so on. You could even write a fanfic! (For all of you non-fangirls out there, that means a fanfiction. A fanfiction is a story where you take someone else’s characters and/or world and use it however you like.)

So, my Camp NaNo project is the same project I was working on in NaNo 2015. Last November I was aiming for 50,000 words, and I failed miserably. I believe I only got to somewhere in between fifteen thousand and twenty thousand words.

And then I barely wrote anything in those months between November 2015 and this month, July 2016, so I still hadn’t finished my novel.

So I still needed to finish my story, when I realized it was June 30th, the day before July, the day before Camp NaNo.

And then I decided to do it.

So I did.

I made my goal for this month a bit more manageable by bringing it down to 20,000 words, which I’m very glad about. I’ll tell you why in a bit.

So I started Camp, and I’ve been super ahead for the whole month so far. On the first I kicked off with a little bit more than three thousand words, which is pretty amazing for me, and I continued like that, writing at least a couple hundred words each day, easily staying ahead.

And then, on the 22nd (two days ago, as I’m writing this) I finally made it to twenty thousand. Cue cheering!

So I finished a week early, which is pretty amazing, considering how badly I did last year. (But also isn’t so amazing, considering how low my word count goal is.)

But I still wasn’t done with my novel, so I kept writing.

I wrote about one thousand and six hundred words yesterday, which is more than I usually would. (My average daily word count is normally somewhere in between five hundred words and one thousand words.)

And today I’m going to write even more! And tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, until the month is over. And then, if I still haven’t finished the story, I’ll keep writing, until, finally, the first book is over. Then I’ll let it simmer for a bit, work on something else or just take a break from writing altogether, and then go back and revise.

And so on, until I have a publishable book. And then, I’ll publish it. And then, I’ll work on the sequel, until that one’s publishable, and then I’ll work on that one’s sequel (I’m pretty sure this is going to be a trilogy) until it’s publishable, and then I’ll publish that one, and then I’ll probably start something new, and so on and so on, until I have a real writing career.

And then, once I’ve done all of that, I’ll have completed one of my dreams, which would be pretty amazing.

So, this post isn’t really interesting, but I just wanted to update you all on what’s happening in my life right now, and also tell you to go check out NaNoWriMo! (It’s free, too, so that’s really amazing. All you need to participate in it is a computer, so you can update your word count, and a piece of paper and a pen, so you can write.)

So, yeah. That’s it for now, everyone!

-Alurea W. Over and Out 😛

P.S. I didn’t go back and edit this post the way I normally would, so I’m sorry if it’s a little messy and there are more grammatical and spelling errors than normal. But yeah, for real now, bye!

Published by

Alurea W.

A Slytherin, Wampus, INFP, Scorpio, Daughter of Apollo, and writer. She spends most of her time either reading, writing, or on the internet, and has an obsession for office supplies. She also really loves cats.

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