New Computer 2.0

Hey again, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!!!


It’s a super awesome, sleek, black Toshiba laptop. I love it!!! It’s more advanced than my dad’s computer, which just adds to the awesomeness!

It even has it’s own version of Siri, which is Cortana, and she’s awesome. There’s also a web cam that I know how to use, which is, again, awesome. Okay, I think I need to stop using the word “awesome”.

Well, anyways, I think I’ll just make a list of what’s awesome (there I go again with that word…) on this computer. Here:

  • Cortana
  • The fact that I can play Candy Crush and other games
  • The webcam
  • The Kindle
  • The large screen
  • Word
  • Powerpoint
  • Other things like Word and Powerpoint
  • The fact that I can use a tool to make notes, highlight, and copy things on the internet
  • The free radio
  • And more!

Oh, and I’m not taunting you with it, I just want ya’ll to know about it. I hope I didn’t come off as mean…

Anyways, I think I’m gonna go write. Well, write something other than a blog post.


-Crazy Girl Over and Out 😛

P.S. Sorry that this post was so short! I just really wanted to get back to exploring features on my brand-new laptop! 🙂

New Computer!

Hey, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!

Well, I’m updating, and relatively near to when I posted Homeschooling! (or whatever it was called 😀 ) so I’m clearly making progress.

Well, today I think this post is gonna be pretty short. I really just wanted to tell ya’ll that tomorrow I’m getting a new computer!!! 😀 YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, right now I’m typing this on my hand-me-down light pink Sony Vaio that’s, like, a million years old! (Well, that was a bit of an exaggeration. They didn’t even have computers a million years ago! But I probably don’t need to tell you that.)

This computer is pretty much falling apart: the K key fell out, and the charger cord is loose when you plug it in. But I guess it could be worse.

Anyways, I’m not sure what computer I’m getting, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the same type of laptop my dad has, which is pretty cool. That way I won’t have to print on his computer instead of mine! (Yeah, I also can’t print on my computer. Or even use Word, which SUCKS ‘cuz I’m a writer.)

My dad and I are hopefully going to go buy it in a store tomorrow, so I’ll have it physically tomorrow, and not have to wait a week or something for the company to ship it to our house. I really hate having to wait, but I guess it’s worth it for the box to just show up on your doorstep one day. And, when you get it, you can pretend it’s Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate 🙂 ) and you get to open it like a gift.

Speaking of gifts, my dad said that it would by my early birthday present. But don’t worry, I already made sure that this meant I would be getting a real present on my actual birthday. 😀

Well, that’s really it for now, guys. I guess I’ll talk to you in my next post! Peace out!

-Crazy Girl Over and Out 😛

Homeschooling! :)

Hi, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! I’m not dead!

Okay, anyways…

Recently I haven’t been posting on here. My only excuse is that I’m busy. And that’s a terrible excuse, so I’m not going to use it. And you shouldn’t blame me, I mean, I warned you all about this in my very first post! I told ya’ll that I wasn’t good at keeping up with things like this, whether they be journals, blogs, or anything else!

But, I’m here now, so that has to count for something, right?

So this year my mom and I decided to homeschool. It’s been pretty good so far, but we’ve only been doing it for about two weeks and a half, so we’re not close to done yet!

Oh, and guess who my “principal” is??? Wait for it… (drum roll please…)


No, I’m not kidding. My cat, Pinocchio, is my legal principal. It’s hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. (I just got rid of some of the hilarity by saying it was hilarious, didn’t I? Oh well. [I say “Oh well” a lot, don’t I? Oh well. {See!}])

Well, it’s been pretty cool so far. My mom got me these cool “Life of Fred” textbooks for math and L.A. I already finished three of the four L.A. books, being the overachiever that I am. (FYI, one book = one month of school. So I’ve done three months worth of L.A.)

I hate math, though, so I’m sort of behind on that one.

We started to read Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, but my mom and I both got ticked off by Peter, who we agree is a little brat. No offense to all you Peter Pan lovers out there, but we both highly dislike him. So then we decided that we would just quickly read though the rest of the book, than move onto the next one, which is The Odyssey.

But, of course, I’ve already started it. It’s actually really good! (I know, I shouldn’t sound so surprised, but I’ve barely read any poetry before!)

I’m not very far in yet (Still talking about The Odyssey) but I already recognize which part of the myth the story starts with (if that makes any sense whatsoever).

You see, I’m a bit of a Greek Geek, as I like to call myself. I read these two book series about Greek mythology (The Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and the Heroes of Olympus series, both by Rick Riordan. Go check them out!) and I became sort of obsessed with it. (“It” being the Greek myths.)

So, I’ve learned about several parts of Odysseus’s story, including the part at the very beginning of The Odyssey. I don’t want to spoil it for you, if you don’t already know what happens, so I won’t talk much about it, but I just wanted to tell all of you about my Greek obsession.

Well, I’m not sure that there’s much more for me to talk about on the subject of homeschool, so I guess I’ll just leave it at that. So, bye!

-Crazy Girl Over and Out 😛


Books. Mark 2. (Book Recommendations)

Hey, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! 😀

Well, today I went to the library. I checked out a total of nine books, plus I got a new library card. (Where am I even going with this? Well, I guess we’ll see…) They’re due in a few weeks, so I have THOSE to read, along with everything in my Summer Reading Pile and my TBR. And I thought, Hey, I have a lot of books to read, and I have a lot of books I already read, why not write a book recommendations blog post? (or something like that, at least.) And so I did. (Well, am.)

So, here is a list of books I really enjoyed (or just enjoyed) that I think that you should check out!

  1. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Theif – By: Rick Riordan (and if you liked that, then read the whole series! Plus the Heroes of Olympus series!)
  2. Since You’ve Been Gone – By: Morgan Matson
  3. Looking for Alaska – By: John Green (Also, all of his other books. Oh, and this is for mature readers. It has a bit of….mature….material in it)
  4. Harry Potter – By: J.K. Rowling (The whole series! 😀 )
  5. Someone Like You – By: Sarah Dessen (Sort of mature content…)
  6. Eleanor & Park – By: Rainbow Rowell
  7. Fangirl – By: Rainbow Rowell (Rainbow’s books in general!)
  8. The Lux Series – By: Jennifer L. Armentrout
  9. The Twilight Series – By: Stephanie Mayer
  10. The Lunar Chronicles Series – By: Marissa Meyer
  11. The Princess Bride – By: William Goldman
  12. Me and Earl and The Dying Girl – By: Jesse Andrews
  13. The Kane Chronicles Series – By: Rick Riordan (while you’re at it, check out all of his books!)
  14. The Divergent Trilogy – By: Veronica Roth
  15. The Hunger Games Trilogy – By: Suzanne Collins

And that’s it! Well, that’s all I could think of, anyway. Also, this list is not in any type of order whatsoever, except in the order that I thought of them. Well, I hope you enjoyed! 😀

-Crazy Girl Over and Out 😛

Story Time with Crazy Girl!!!

Okay, so I was thinking about writing a story on here. Like, not something like a novel that you will pay to read, but just something like a blog post that you can read whenever you want.

It’s going to be a sort-of fanfiction. Like, it’s called Animal High. Me and my friend and her friends got the inspiration from Monster High and Ever After High. I will give credit to those original stories, though. I won’t take credit for that!

Anyways, Animal High is about a high school where everyone is part animal. They’re all descended from they’re respectful animals. For example, one of the characters is Fiona, and she’s descended from foxes, so she’s part fox.

So, the plot is basically about this group of friends going on a bunch of adventures together, and there will be a main baddie in the end, too. But no spoilers! 😀

Well, anyways, I was just wondering if you guys were willing to read something like that, so comment down below if you want me to write it or not! (I will probably write it no matter what you say, but I still like hearing your opinions! 🙂 )

So, comment down below and everything! Well, have a great day/night/afternoon!!! 😀

-Crazy Girl Over and Out 😛

My Novel!!!

Hey, hey, hey, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!

Welp, I promised ya’ll a book review of Lola and the Boy Next Door when I finished it, and I finished it, so hopefully I’ll have that up soon. But today, my friends, I didn’t come here to write about books.

Okay, actually, I sort of did.

But whatever!

I actually came on here to write a post about………

*cue drum roll*


You see, I’m actually currently writing a novel. And I wanted to talk about it on here, partly because I was bored, and partly because I was in the mood to write on my blog, this thingy.

Right now, my novel doesn’t have a proper title – just a temporary one. It’s called The Psychic.

I know, terrible name. But it’s only temporary! I’ll think of a better one when the time comes (the time = when I’ve finished writing and before I publish it).

Okay, so I want ya’ll to know that it is, in fact, MY OWN novel, and NOT somebody else’s. I’m a bit worried that, because you don’t know my real name, you will think that I’m just ripping the actual author off, which I am not! I mean, why would I rip myself off? That’s just crazy. But I might, later on, tell you my real name before my book is going to be published, so you’ll know that I’m the actual author. I’ll still go by Crazy Girl, though. Well, I think so, at least.

So, anyways, my book is about spies. Specifically, a spy academy. I know, I know: it’s SO cliché! So what? It’s still going to be original. I’m planning on putting my own little twist on it, which I am not going to tell you! Well, not yet, at least. I might tell you later on, but you never know!

Well, anyways, that just about wraps up this post, so, for now, bye! 😀

-Alurea W. Over and Out 😛


Sup, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!

Well, I’m not going to bother you all with excuses for why I haven’t posted anything in a bit, I just haven’t. I did warn you about this in my first post, though, so don’t get TOO mad at me. I did say that I wasn’t good at keeping up with things like these in the first post, didn’t I?

Well, whatever.

Today I decorated my room a bit, I think it looks awesome! I already had a cute owl wall sticker up, and I moved it to right next to my door. Then I put up a tumblr-ish collage! Is that considered a D.I.Y.? Hmm. Don’t know, and I can’t be bothered to look it up.

I mostly used quotes for my collage, and it’s very colorful, if I do say so myself. Well, the last part of that sentence didn’t fit very well with the first part of the sentence, did it? Whatever!

Well, right now I’m surrounded with art supplies: scissors, tape, paper scraps, colored pencils, and the like. Also a book and a journal. And some pics. And, umm, well, my bed? Does that count? No, I don’t think so….OH! I’m also surrounded by air! Yeah! That’s it! 😀

It’s a wonder if I make sense to you, not many people understand what I’m saying half the time, not even me. Also, I’m putting my thoughts down on paper (or a screen?) and I can’t even make sense of those. Thoughts, I mean. (I’m so awkward!)

Wow, how did I get to talking about excuses to talking about how my thoughts don’t make sense? God… Well, anyway, I DID have a reason to post this.

It was mostly to give you guys an update and to reassure you that I didn’t die, but also to talk about…umm, something. I forgot. Wait, no! Now I remember: I didn’t have something specific to talk about in the first place! Well, I might as well talk about books, ‘cuz I can’t think of anything else to talk about.


Well, right now I’m reading Lola and the Boy Next Door. I am on page 181, when Norah is reading Lola’s tea leaves. I love the book so far, and I think I might do a review of it on here when I finish it. That would be new. Book reviews. Interesting idea, Crazy Girl, interesting idea…. Well, be sure to look out for some of those in the future! You never know, maybe even in the NEAR future!

I haven’t read Anna and the French Kiss yet, but I really, really want to! I’m hopefully going to start that soon, as soon as I get my hands on a copy… Same thing goes for Isla and the Happily  Ever After. Oh, I guess you don’t know anything about these books, right? Well, you might know something (or everything) about them, but I might as well give you a brief description of what I know.

I know virtually nothing about Isla and the Happily Ever After, except that it’s written by Stephanie Perkins. Basically the same with Anna and the French Kiss. Well, I know that Anna (I’m too lazy to type the whole title) takes place in Paris, and I’m pretty sure Isla (too lazy, again, to type the whole title) takes place in New York, but I’m not positive.

But, yes but, there are a few things I know about Lola (too lazy, again…). Here, I might as well give you the description on the back of the book:

Budding designer Lola Nolan doesn’t believe in fashion . . . she believes in costume. The more expressive the outfit – more sparkly, more fun, more wild – the better. But even though Lola’s style is outrageous, she’s a devoted daughter and friend with some big plans for the future. And everything is pretty perfect (right down to her hot rocker boyfriend) until the dreaded Bell twins, Calliope and Cricket, return to the neighborhood. When Cricket – a gifted inventor – steps out from his twin sister’s shadow and back into Lola’s life, she must finally reconcile a lifetime of feelings she felt for the boy next door.

Now, I copied that directly off the book, so please no one sue me! All rights go to Stephanie Perkins!

I really hope I don’t get sued. That would suck. Ahh, this is gonna be a pain to edit. It’s so long! Well, I’d better keep this short: Lola (the book, not the character) is awesome, and you should read it, and the other Stephanie Perkins books! BYE!!!

-Alurea W. Over and Out 😛

Happy Easter!

Hey, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Sorry I haven’t been on in a while…. I really haven’t been doing much, and I’ve had plenty of free time, but I don’t really have a valid excuse.

Unless you count “Out of inspiration” as a valid excuse, that is…..

Well, anyways, tomorrow is Easter Sunday – for me at least – and I wanted to wish ya’ll a happy Easter! I hope you’ll have lots and lots of fun, whether you’re going Easter-egg hunting, or just enjoying a nice, spring day!

So, I’ve finished Cinder, in fact, I’m already on Cress, the third book of The Lunar Chronicles. I love the series so far, and I seriously recommend reading it if you haven’t.

Today I went book shopping, which was pretty fun. I bought The Wicked Will Rise, which is the second book in the Dorothy Must Die series. It’s a retelling of The Wizard of Oz, and I love the first book. Basically, Dorothy traveled back to Oz, and became the princess, and then she became evil because of all of the power. Dorothy is, like, draining Oz of it’s magic, and Amy Gumm, another girl from Kansas, has to kill her, clearly. I mean, the title of the series is Dorothy Must Die, for Pete’s sake! Of course it’s about how someone is going to kill Dorothy! Like, duh!

Well, I’m running out of things to write about, so I guess I will do what I always do: give you some cool music (in my opinion) to listen to!

The song for today is, drum roll please *cue drum roll*











ANGEL WITH A SHOTGUN!!! Yay! Oh, and it’s the nightcored version:

I hope you liked the music! (Or like, if you haven’t listened to it yet) Well, I’d better be going, so see ya’ll later! And Happy Easter!

-Alurea W. Over and Out 😛

Catch Up!

Hey, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Updating this from my bed. No idea why I added that pointless piece of information….

Well, anyways, I have been feeling pretty sick for the past few days, and I’ve just started feeling better. 😀 Yay me! So, yeah, I only have a cough now, everything else is better!

I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while, my life is kinda boring and I’ve had no inspiration whatsoever, except for the inspiration to post this….which I have no idea where it came from.

Well, I’ve finished Fangirl, amazing book, and I’ve started reading Cinder, one of the Lunar Chronicles books. I’m currently on page 5. I haven’t read much of it yet. I’ve also started rereading Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf. Another amazing book, and series. You all really should read the Wereworld series; it’s about a far of land called Lyssia, in which the Werelords live. Werelords, or therainthropes, are people who can shift into an animal. There are Werestags, Werebears, Weresharks, Werehawks, Werecats, etc. It really is an amazing novel, oh, and it’s written by Curtis Jobling, he’s an amazing writer.

Well, I have no idea what else to talk about….. Oh! I know!

You see, I have recently discovered two amazing, funny, quirky, British YouTubers: danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil! 😀 They are awesome! They are funny, and I’m watching them right now, as I type. I will leave a link to both of their channels right here: and

I hope those links worked….

Well, anyways, I typed the beginning of this post yesterday…so I actually am on page 44 in Cinder.

There is pretty much nothing else to talk about, soo….well, I’m gonna go.

Luv ya’ll! 😀

-Alurea W. Over and Out 😛

Just Random Stuff

Hey, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a day, or was it two? Forgot. For this post, I have no idea what I’m going to do. I think I will just type random things and publish it. Yeah, that sounds good.

Well, I’ve finished Girl Online. I’ve been done with it for a while now, I just forgot to tell you guys, sorry! 🙂 I’ve started another book, Fangirl, and I’m almost done with it! It’s really an amazing novel, but you shouldn’t read it if you’re a child, you wouldn’t understand much. It’s about a girl, Cath, who is going through collage for her first time! Nice! She’s a writer, and fan fiction writer, to be exact. It’s really great!

Another thing is that I believe that I am going to join my wrestling team at school! It’s not really going to be a real team, we’re just gonna learn how to wrestle. Anyone who’s interested is going to meet up in the auditorium at my school to discuss when the meets are and things like that on Monday.

Also, on Monday, is the GATE test. And I’m gonna do it. Yay, me! (I don’t know if that should be sarcastic or not……) My mom says that it will make my school life funner (I don’t care if “funner” is a word or not, I’m going to use it!), if that’s even possible. Or maybe the word I’m looking for is interesting……or was it challenging? Well, whatever. If you don’t know what the GATE test is, it’s a test to see if you’re gifted or talented. It’s optional, though, and it’s not even really a real test…..more like riddles, or that’s what I think, at least.

So………………..what do I talk about now? Uhhhhhh…………………. I CAN SPELL SUPERCALAFRAGALISTICEXPIALADOTIOUS!!!!!!! That was random, but, clearly, I can spell it. (Actually, no one really knows the real way of how to spell it, but that’s how I spell it) See? It is spelled I-T. It. But I can also spell that word that I don’t want to type again. It’s from Mary Poppins, if you didn’t know. You know:

*insert word that I can spell here*, even if the sound of it is something quite atrocious…..etc.

Remember? I hope you do, but, anyways, here’s a vid of the song I’m talking about:

Again, for some weird reason, I can’t insert the video like I did before. Weird. Well, that’s it for now, folks! See ya later!

-Alurea W. Over and Out 😛